Learning Adventures
Volume Three
From Sea to Shining Sea
Over the Mountains
Battling on Land and Sea
Across the Nation
In the South
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Growing Tensions
Into the Midwest
Across the Plains
Along the Trail
Required Lit. W&O
Scope & Seq. W&O

Along the Trail
Unit Ten (17 Days)

What are the major history and science topic areas in the Along the Trail unit?

The major history topic areas in the Along the Trail unit are the Oregon Trail and other Trails to the West, Native Americans in the Northwest, a State Spotlight on Oregon, and Presidential Spotlights on Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan. The major science topic in this unit is a study of Health and Nutrition.

What are some highlights from this unit?

Travel two thousand miles over the Oregon Trail with the characters in Bound for Oregon, by Jean Van Leeuwen • Trace the Trails to the West – from the Wilderness Road, Natchez Trace, Santa Fe Trail to the Oregon Trail, California Trail, Mormon Trail, and others • Investigate Health and Nutrition • Vitamin Power Project and Mighty Minerals Project • Food Pyramid - Steps to a Healthier You • Food Pyramid Project • Create an exercise routine and set fitness goals • Acid Attack experiment and Chompers Project • Take a walk on the Road to Emmaus for a personal encounter with the Living Lord! • Meet missionaries in the West at the Whitman and Spaulding Missions • Catch Oregon Fever, explore jumping off towns, and The Great Migration • Experience life on the trail in a prairie schooner • Westward Trails Project • Romantic composers, their lives, and works - Carl Maria Von Weber, Franz Schubert, Frιdιric Chopin, Franz Liszt Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann. Gioacchino Antonio Rossini, and Nicolo Paganini • Book reports, personal narratives, lists on themes, action points, and instructions in expository writing • Native Americans of the Northwest, Illuminate a poem in the Romantic style of William Blake • Life and presidency of Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan • Elections of 1852 and 1856 • Quotation Quest game • Toothbrush painting • Artists of the American West – Frederic Remington, Karl Bodmer, and George Catlin • Reach the trail's end in the Pacific Wonderland of Oregon with a State Spotlight • Oregon Twin-Berry Cobbler • Grab your bandanas and tin plates and gather around the campfire for a Trail's End Party with Wagon Wheel Challenge, Rope-Jumping Round-Up, Wildflower Workout, and Plant Your Crops games while enjoying Wagon Train Pasta, Campfire Kabobs, Rocky Road S'mores Bars, and Wagon Wheel Crunch!

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Learning Adventures
1146 Kensington Ct.
Seymour, IN 4727

E-mail: Dorian@Learning-Adventures.org
Phone: (812) 523-0999

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