Explore the meaning of courage as you begin to understand the steadfastness of a people who would bravely face the unknown and risk their lives in the face of
constant and seemingly insurmountable hardships and difficulties.
What are the major history and science topic areas in the Into a New Land unit?
The major history topic areas in Into a New Land are Early American Colonial history - including a study of Jamestown, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony - and
the states of Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. The major science topic areas in Into a New Land are Insects and Weather.
What are some highlights from this unit?
Studies and activities on: Armstrong Sperry's story of high adventure and suspense, Call it Courage Israelites' story as they
enter their "new land" of Canaan Memorize Joshua 1:6-9 Parts of a book Synonym banks Sail into Jamestown harbor with John Smith and the first settlers of
Jamestown Geography terms and concepts Go "buggy" over insects! Insect classification, body parts and systems, and life cycles Insect collections, activities, and
experiments Sticky Feet, Walking in an Insect's Shoes, Molting like Insects, Creep-Crawly Caterpillar Snacks Wire Sculpture Walking Sticks, Insect Races, Paper Machι Wasp's Nest, What's the
Buzz? Latin and Greek roots Phrases, clauses, sentences, and paragraphs Note-taking and writing mini-reports Historical timeline Spelling rules and
concepts Baroque art and music The lives and music of Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti, Antonio Vivaldi, and Johann Sebastian Bach Lessons in teamwork and prioritizing Sample
gruel, ship's biscuit and dried beef Grammar skills and concepts - parts of speech, punctuation, and capitalization Build a model of Jamestown Fort Book reviews Joshua's
obedient example - placing our battles in God's hands Scott O'Dell's book, Island of the Blue Dolphins Author spotlights and techniques Pocahontas Explore
Native American Indian Sub-Cultures and compile a Native Americans Notebook of Eastern Woodlands peoples String Native American beads Conflicts between European settlers and Native
Americans Memorizing Psalm 27 State Notebook History, culture, geography, and government of Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island Scientific Method Fact,
fiction, and opinion

Marguerite Henry's wonderful tale, Misty of Chincoteague Fiction and characterization
Grandpa Beebe's English lessons - Standard and Non-standard English, slang, jargon, and dialect Sample a tasty piece of Pony-Penning Pot Pie and whip up a batch of Grandma Beebe's Golden
Cornbread Interpret charts American Colonial art and artists A creepy, crawly look at spiders, weaving webs, and experimenting with spider behavior Joshua's legacy Little
Pilgrim's Progress – Helen Taylor's adaptation of John Bunyan's classic Allegory Compare and contrast the journey of the Pilgrims to the pilgrims in Little Pilgrim's Progress
Journey with the Pilgrims to Holland and appreciate the hardships of the Mayflower voyage Investigate weather in our world Forecasting and charting weather, atmosphere, air pressure
, masses, fronts, and systems Memorize Psalm 119:105-112 and follow the Lord obediently in the midst of life's struggles Step out onto Plymouth Rock with the Pilgrims and into a hopeful
new life free from persecution Weep with the Pilgrims in their heartaches and devastating losses, and celebrate with them as they thank God for His faithfulness through it all
Journaling Measure weather, temperature, humidity, make weather maps, and watch meteorologists in action Decide to follow Jesus – with the world behind you, the cross before
you, and without turning back

Four Seasons Collage Written and artistic musical interpretations Mayflower Compact
Comparison and contrast of the people of Jamestown and Plymouth Friendship of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians Experiments with the temperature of land and water,
evaporation, condensation, and precipitation "Cloud Around" with fluffy cloud treats and a stand-up cloud project Celebrate with the Pilgrims as they count God's blessings after their
first year in America, and plan your own Thanksgiving Feast Thanksgiving art and poetry
Thanksgiving Traditions essay The Puritans and their vision for their model "City on a Hill" Native American customs and games Drips and drops of precipitation - experiments and
drippy art designs Weather Idioms Classic seasonal poetry – analyzing and interpreting
Getting "flaky" with snowflakes, playing snowball games, making edible snowballs, ice cream in a bag, and snow ice cream Wind power - direction, speed, winds of the world, and the Beaufort
Wind Scale Sampling bean porridge and grinding corn into cornmeal Stirring up a batch of Hasty Pudding and slice King Philip's War, the Pequot War, and the New England
Confederation Porcupine quill art Lightning, thunder, and storms in our world Letters,
invitations, and notes Using an atlas Sketching portraits Colonial sandwich cottages
Early American music Coloring your world with rainbows Rainbows in the mist, rainbow treats, the color wheel, and colorful doodle designs Freezing hail stones Weather poetry
Watching dewdrops form, freezing icy treats, and playing the Ice Game!